Spring 2024


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Marjorie Agosín is known for her poetry 这传达了人类经验的核心, 特别是那些受到与人权有关的历史和文化环境影响的国家. Agosín has been the recipient of multiple accolades and distinctions in recognition of her literary contributions and contributions as a proponent of human rights. Notably, she has been honored with the Jeanette Rankin Award in Human Rights and the United Nations Leadership Award for Human Rights. 并被智利政府授予加布里埃拉·米斯特拉尔终身成就奖.

您可以通过以下方式注册该活动 http://bit.ly/TC-AgosinEvent

这次活动拉开了人权方案25周年的序幕. 感谢Christina Bleyer(大学图书管理员), Associate Vice President of Libraries and Digital Learning; Director of Special Collections and Archives, Watkinson Library) there will be a book exhibit in Raether Library (main lobby) starting next week highlighting the collection of books we have of Marjorie Agosín. The exhibit also highlights Chilean artist María Verónica San Martín who has shown her work at Trinity in the past.

Spanish Film Thursdays Presents

地点:SEABURY 130
TIME: 4:30

February 1, 2024
Synopsis:In 1972, 乌拉圭空军571航班, 包租一个橄榄球队飞往智利, 灾难性地撞上了安第斯山脉中心的冰川. Only 16 of the 45 passengers survived the crash and finding themselves in one of the world’s toughest environments, 他们被迫采取极端手段以求生存. (IMDb)

March 7, 2024

100 días con la Tata / 100 Days With Tata (西班牙,2021年)[纪录片]
Directed by: 米格尔Ángel Muñoz
Synopsis: The parents of actor 米格尔Ángel Muñoz had to turn to “Tata” (Luisa Cantero) to take care of their son while they worked. 从那以后,塔塔(97岁)和米格尔Ángel(38岁)再也没有分开过. 但在塔塔出现了一些健康问题之后, Miguel Ángel realizes that their love story may end and decides to carry out all the things he has pending to do with her: a road trip, 了解路易莎的身世,甚至一起拍电影. 这次冒险被大流行的到来打断了. A twist that, 远没有让他们感到悲伤, 会让他们更加团结,在35平方米的公寓里享受比以往任何时候都多的100天吗. But it will also force Miguel to face his greatest fear: separation from the most important person in his life. (FILMAFFINITY)

April 4, 2024
La lengua de las mariposas / Butterfly (Spain, 1999)
Directed by: José Luis Cuerda
Synopsis: For Moncho, 那是田园诗般的一年:他开始上学了, 他有一位很棒的老师, 他在罗克交了朋友, 他开始了解厄洛斯的一些奥秘, and, 和他哥哥在一起, 一个崭露头角的萨克斯手, 他和乐队一起从加利西亚的小镇出发. 但这一年,西班牙共和国受到法西斯叛军的攻击. 蒙乔的父亲是共和党人,老教师唐·格雷戈里奥也是共和党人. 双方势均力敌,权力明显落在一方手中, 恐惧的力量, violence, 背叛深刻地改变了成人应有的快乐. (imdb.com)


Fall 2023

图书庆祝与对话: 在萨比娜·伯曼的剧院里,幽默、幽默、幽默、历史

2023年12月6日,星期三 4:15 pm


西班牙研究中心正在用英语举办这本书的公开演讲 在萨比娜·伯曼的剧院里,幽默、幽默、幽默、历史 (冲击舞台:幽默, Gender, 以及由普里西拉·梅尔萨姆德斯撰写的《博彩平台网址大全》.

萨宾娜·伯曼(1955)是一位著名的墨西哥裔犹太作家,她写过小说, poetry, 戏剧(为此她获得了墨西哥最负盛名的戏剧奖), 通过她的电视采访节目,她也是一个文化偶像, among them, Largo aliento. In Asaltos al escenario Meléndez explores the way in which Berman (1955) confronts the history of her country and brings to the theater its social and political crises by means of humor, gender, and history. 通过对8部作品(7部戏剧和1部电影剧本)的分析, Meléndez focuses on Berman’s capacity to create dramatic worlds in which humor coexists and simultaneously collides with the sublime, uncovering at the same time the pleasure and the pain that run through the sociohistorical reality of an individual or a country, 以及通过戏剧小说本身. Berman’s theater carries out its critical project through the theatricalization of historical figures such as Hernán Cortés, moli和拉辛, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Pancho Villa, Leon Trotski, 以及征服墨西哥等事件和概念, the Inquisition, 墨西哥革命, 刺杀托洛茨基, machismo, feminicides, 和narcotrafficking. 本书除前言和导言外,共分为两部分:

Part 1: Humor, Caricature, 世界舞台上的性:从殖民的痛苦到革命的“快乐”


We will be joined by Professors Jacqueline Bixler from Virginia Tech (Editor of the journal 拉丁美洲戏剧评论) and Gail Bulman from Syracuse University, 谁将参加这本书的展示. We are certain that the Trinity community will benefit from the discussion of this book centered on the theater of Sabina Berman.

Spanish Film Thursdays Presents

地点:SEABURY 130
TIME: 4:30

October 5

‘Argentina, 《博彩平台网址大全》的灵感来自胡里奥·斯特拉塞拉的真实故事, 路易斯·莫雷诺·奥坎波在他们的大卫对歌利亚之战中起诉阿根廷最血腥的军事独裁政权.

November 2
La Celestina(西班牙,1996)
导演:Gerardo Vera
主演:pensamlope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú,
Terele Pávez, Jordi mollcom

年轻的贵族卡利斯托爱上了富商的女儿米利比亚. 卡利斯托的仆人塞普罗尼奥建议他们让女巫塞莱斯蒂娜来推进这段浪漫.

December 7
La jaula de oro(墨西哥,2013年)

Juan, Sara, and Samuel, 三个来自危地马拉贫民窟的青少年, 去美国寻找更好的生活. 一起乘坐货运列车,一起在铁轨上行走, 他们很快就要面对一场将永远改变他们生活的奥德赛.



5:00-6:00 PM

  • 来见见我们的专业学生和辅修学生以及我们的老师.
  • 了解学习的机会,
  • Career paths
  • La Voz Latina.
  • 享受美食.


教授取向. 克劳迪奥González恰拉蒙特

Seabury 215

查找有关的详细信息 西班牙语留学 明德项目 在布宜诺斯艾利斯和乌拉圭

  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯-探戈 & 身份(明德计划) & uba - Filosofía与Letras学院
  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯公共卫生局 & 哥伦比亚大学社会科学学院
  • 蒙得维的亚-神经科学大学. de la República-Facultad de Psicología & ORT University
  • 蒙得维的亚-建筑(乌拉圭体育大学)


Spring 2023


Common Hour

保拉·安萨尔多是一位戏剧历史学家,专门研究拉丁美洲犹太戏剧和文化. She holds a Ph.D. 布宜诺斯艾利斯大学历史与艺术理论学士学位. She is currently a Harry Starr Postdoctoral Fellow in Judaica at the Center for Jewish Studies of Harvard University. 她的文章曾在 拉丁美洲戏剧评论, 《博彩平台网址大全》, Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevo和Anagnórisis. Her book “我的兄弟”. Historia del Teatro Judío en Argentina/阿根廷犹太戏剧史 将于2023年由EUDEBA,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学出版社出版. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Council for Scientific Research of Argentina (CONICET), 福特汉姆大学-纽约公共图书馆, 科英布拉集团大学, YIVO犹太研究所, 美国哲学学会, 以及犹太文化纪念基金会.


拉丁美洲电影系列: Jueves de Cine

 由joss Carlos Díaz Zanelli ((电子邮件保护))和卡米拉·托雷斯-卡斯特罗((电子邮件保护))

语言和文化研究系的西班牙语系提供拉丁美洲电影系列 Jueves de Cine with the interest of promoting the Spanish language and Latin American culture among Trinity College students and providing them with a varied space for intellectual and cultural formation inherent. 下面所选的电影和节目提供了一个多样化的, intercultural, 以及对当前拉丁美洲现实的批判观点. Furthermore, these films are a great opportunity to provide linguistic and cultural exposure to Latin American social diversity.

February 2, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
“Los tiburones,” 导演:Lucía加里波第(乌拉圭-阿根廷,2019)
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf3KuDWe3VA

March 2, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
“Nudo Mixteco,”
导演:Ángeles Cruz(墨西哥,2021).
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1Aq8v51L0c&t=14s

April 6, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJSDxdrvdE

May 4, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J414mkEnDf0


March 7, 2023
4:30 PM-6:00 PM

加入我们与墨西哥小说家尤里·埃雷拉的对话. 参加圆桌会议的是Priscilla melsamendez教授, Diana Aldrete, Sara Kippur, 和加布里埃尔·萨尔加多.

Fall 2022

帕特里卡·赞加罗的《杜达的提议》. 由hsp -319的学生表演


该剧讲述的是阿根廷在经历了一段动荡的政治压迫时期后对真相的探索, that is, 这被委婉地称为国家重建进程, or more clearly, 从1976年到1983年的肮脏战争. 据估计,大约有30人,000 people died or disappeared during those years particularly young activists that were willing to die for their country, and many did. In the process, 当时有很多怀孕的年轻女性, 被绑架,孩子在囚禁中出生. Under the auspices of the military government these children were secretly given to families who supported the regime and they grew up not knowing their real identity. The well-known Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo –who still gather every Thursday to demand justice for their disappeared children– initiated a campaign to locate and identify their grandchildren through DNA tests. A propósito de la duda 描绘了祖母们面对虚假父母时对正义和真理的追求, 那些辩称自己只是奉命行事的同伙, 孩子们/现在的成年人正在努力了解他们是谁.




本演讲探讨了墨西哥技术班达的兴起, 一种从电子音乐和班达音乐中汲取灵感的实验性音乐流派, unknowingly scored a watershed moment in Mexican history: presidential hopeful Luis Donaldo Colosio’s murder (1994). This tragedy, 许多人认为这是墨西哥政治中的关键事件, 现在在YouTube上的一段视频中永垂不朽,并成为了一种狂热的视听产品, 这是这个国家最终命运的预兆. This study analyzes how the merging of music and image creates an audiovisual rhetoric of failure that has embedded itself into Mexican media consciousness. 从Alexander Weheliye的“留声机”(2005)的概念中,他将声音联系在一起, technology, 以及黑人文化——作为方法论, Colosio’s video is placed within the analytical category of “sound event” to argue that its existence and continued referencing proposes an acousmatic experience of nationalism, failure, 和新自由主义.

“Representations of Protest and Dissent in Colombia: Reflections on the state of siege in Daniel Ferreira’s Rebelión de los officicios inútiles”  by Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo


This presentation will explore the portrayal of protest and 异常状态 in contemporary Colombian literature. 卡洛斯将专注于丹尼尔·费雷拉的小说 Rebelión de los officicios inútiles 《无用交易的反叛》(2014), showing how it breaks with the established reading pacts of human rights narratives and their sentimental grammars through a historical plot centered on land tenure, 异常状态, 以及它与抗议权和言论自由的联系. This exploration underscores how Rebelión defies certain tropes in the history of violence behind fundamental human rights struggles in Colombia’s past and present, 包括费雷拉与哥伦比亚真相委员会的对话. The novel points at the Frente Nacional and the Guerra de los Mil Días as sources for vestiges of the current debates about historical memory in Colombia. Carlos will explain how Ferreira’s novel resists the sentimental commercialization of violence and memory in the Colombian (and Latin American) cultural market while representing dissensual subjects outside the customary figures of the victim and the hero.

(由人权、西班牙语研究、语言和文化研究系共同主办 & 国际研究)

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